

Genome design system





Design manager
Principal designer

project type

Design system


Genome is Intuitive’s internal design system for digital products. As the leader in minimally invasive care, Genome is important in defining foundational user experiences for care providers in medical technology companies. The patterns and components associated with the system touch software embedded within robotic systems, and all of the web services associated with running a robotics program in hospitals.


a Problem

Regardless of user or use case, all paths start with customers picking one service to solve a specific problem.

However, not all services are unique, and real use cases span multiple technologies. Users are confused at the door. It is hard to pick one service when all of them have similar properties. An API first is a good approach for a developer, but misses the opportunity to sell higher value offerings. 



a solution

We propose to start with a new mental model for working with Watson. Instead of service specific, users think of Watson as ONE, and decide which tool to use depending on their data and use case.

By dividing Watson services into three large buckets of "understanding" we can simplify the interaction users have with the AI. They can teach it to understand visual, text-based, and speech information. Within these larger buckets are the different Watson services like visual recognition, natural language understanding, and speech-to-text to name just a few.



High fidelity wireframes based on IBM Design's internal design language Carbon.


In early prototypes, it became very apparent that the tool would become very cumbersome for users without data storage. Thus began the integration of visual recognition with the data platform, eventually being rebranded as Watson Studio. This was the first priority.

The next question we asked ourselves was whether it would be possible to use Watson's base knowledge to help less technical users train Watson. Do you need a data scientist in order to easily aggregate effective data to a model and easily understand how to improve performance?


Once a user has entered Watson Studio's text understanding tool they can begin working with their domain specific data.

Once data has been uploaded, users receive notification that Watson is analyzing their data.

Users are presented with Watson suggestions using a technique that employs the Natural Language Understanding service.


Designs based on future direction of new brand language called Duo.


These future forecasted designs are currently being used to give direction to engineering and offering management to help guide user focus in the roadmap.


More to come…