

Nuro Rebrand





Lead Designer

project type

E-commerce Website


Nuro sells cellular signal boosters that can be used in homes, businesses, and vehicles. They make your smart phone smarter by boosting its ability to stay connected in the most difficult circumstances.


The core brand reflects a friendly, approachable product while remaining technologically advanced.


One of the main challenges of the website was to create an experience that was easy and simple for a user to be able to choose the right booster for their individual circumstance.



In order to remedy this problem, I designed a simple solution for a product selector on the homepage. By answering 5 simple questions, a user is directed to the appropriate product detail page for their individual circumstances. This selector tool is used on subsequent pages in a secondary location so that no matter where the user is on the site, they can always easily get what they need.

1. simple icon and text navigation

1. simple icon and text navigation

2. progress indicator with back navigation and help questions

2. progress indicator with back navigation and help questions

3. help overlay section with additional details

3. help overlay section with additional details


A custom blog template was needed for organizing news, posts, case studies, press releases, etc.

Color coding the types of media provides an easily digestible hierarchy of information, while also allowing the user the ability to filter media by type and allowing authors the flexibility of including a banner image or not.



The checkout process was built on a customized Shopify e-commerce platform, completely new territory for the client as this was their first venture into the B2C market.